Hi, Friend.
This comes with a money-back guarantee, because chances are, making this flash diffuser will cost you nothing.
That's right. Now you can take pictures with your DSLR in low light without disabiling the flash and overexposing your pics in Photoshop. Your pictures will come out evenly, and sharper--no need to put your ISO levels into overdrive.
What You'll Need: a plastic medicine cup, scotch tape, a piece of printer paper, and scissors.
I'm sure you can figure the rest your own, but here are the steps:
Look at the difference between the photos! The lowlight casts a yellowish hue, and the full-on flah is way too harsh. The medicine-cup diffuser could use minor adjustments, but for the cost, is just right.
This may not be the prettiest contraption, but it's less conspicious than the styrofoam cup and cut-up milk jug versions people have tried. I use my camera inside exclusively, and have been frustrated with the poor quality due to low lighting. I thought I wasted a small fortune on my DSLR and needed to drop another investment for a diffuser. Now, I have a newfound enthusiasm for indoor shots.
I know you will too.
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